My day started off nice and mellow. First it was short jaunt on the road bike. With my back giving me troubles lately (anyone see the back check, here? Ooo... Eww...), I've been trying to find some new ways to exercise. For those that haven't tried other forms of cycling, I highly recommend and encourage you give it a try. After the ride was finished, and one free-lunch care of my pops - thanks pa, it was back to SR to prepare for the show.
(The table...)
While at the show, I had my small table set-up. Maybe how Jason addressed 'New frame companies' with "They should've done some market research before...", I should've addressed 'New zines', ha-ha! Did you know Van Gogh only sold paintings to his brother while alive? I recently learned this fun little fact while browsing the world wide web. In any event it was great to distribute zines amongst the great crowd that came out to the show!
(Sabertooth Zombie)
(Sabertooth Zombie)
(All Teeth)
What an awesome night. Big thanks to: Mike B. & All Teeth, Sabertooth Zombie, Comadre, Litany for the Whale, Defeater, Celeste, Odyssey, Mutiny, PicDit, and everyone that came out. I'll leave you on a positive note... I have a job(this zine is not a job...) again!
Looked like a great time, sorry I couldn't make it and failed on doing a little plug, feel free to let me know about anything your are doing in the future and I'll make sure to put it up. New web video out Monday, check the canyon then.