Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy (insert holiday here) - Issue #5
It's holiday season. I've been running into a few familiar faces from high school. Always weird! Other then holi-daze bringing out the crazy folks... it seems to produce good web videos.
Other then that, Issue #5 has been in the works. I was going to do a New Years release. But that's tomorrow, and well... it's not gonna happen. Instead I'm thinking of doing something around my birthday. I usually take it real mellow, but I'm thinking a BBQ @ Skatepark? I'll hand out some zines, stickers, maybe even hand-me down bike parts. I'll still pondering this one... I'll keep this filled with updates! The date would be Jan 30th, 2010.
Also, just a heads up on a few things.
Prashant just released the new Yo, Sick! Check it out here!
Nick just released Issue #6 along with an awesome shirt. Get that here!
The Defgrip store has some new additions. Check it out!
Osiris - Sean Burns from Osiris BMX on Vimeo.
Other then that, Issue #5 has been in the works. I was going to do a New Years release. But that's tomorrow, and well... it's not gonna happen. Instead I'm thinking of doing something around my birthday. I usually take it real mellow, but I'm thinking a BBQ @ Skatepark? I'll hand out some zines, stickers, maybe even hand-me down bike parts. I'll still pondering this one... I'll keep this filled with updates! The date would be Jan 30th, 2010.
Also, just a heads up on a few things.
Prashant just released the new Yo, Sick! Check it out here!
Nick just released Issue #6 along with an awesome shirt. Get that here!
The Defgrip store has some new additions. Check it out!
free stickers,
ice cold zine,
ice cream stand,
issue #5,
Santa Rosa,
Yo Sick
Sunday, December 20, 2009
News Stands MIA - Ice Cream Stand - More.

So the news-stand need a little reworking. Along with the other advertising board. You can still find the free issues around town though. So keep those eyes peeled.
You'll also notice to the right, the Ice Cream Stand. This is where you'll be able to purchase Ice Cold if you've been shy about emails.

And last but not least, Gaz from Mutiny sent along the following email:
Thanks so much for the zine. Just found 5 mins and had a flick. Lovin' it.
Have a great weekend,
Gaz Sanders
Mutiny Bikes
ice cold zine,
ice cream stand,
issue #4,
mutiny bikes,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
PICDIT Feature
The folks over at PICDIT recently received a few copies of Ice Cold in the mail last week and posted a little write up. You can find the review here. Thanks again Adam, I'll get another package your way soon! (Photo: Eduardo Marques)

Eduardo Marques,
ice cold zine,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Freebies - News Stand - More!
So things have started to move again over at the Ice Cold headquarters. Issue #4 is available again, for only $2. Paypal link to come later in the week, look for that at the side.
Also recently finished was the first DIY news-stand. To see some pictures go here. If you want find out where it will be next though you'll have to join the FaceBook Group, yep thats right FaceBook.
When you do stumble upon one of the news-stands you'll see these. Free of course, only when found at the news-stand. These free little zines have been so plentiful lately they've been popping up all over the place (see photo below). These are just promo's though, so you'll still need to pay for a longer issue.

Join the Ice Pack!
Also recently finished was the first DIY news-stand. To see some pictures go here. If you want find out where it will be next though you'll have to join the FaceBook Group, yep thats right FaceBook.
When you do stumble upon one of the news-stands you'll see these. Free of course, only when found at the news-stand. These free little zines have been so plentiful lately they've been popping up all over the place (see photo below). These are just promo's though, so you'll still need to pay for a longer issue.
Join the Ice Pack!
ice cold zine,
issue #4
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Digital Downloads!!
As promised, here are digital downloads of Issue's #1 & #2.
Instructions: Right Click Save As, print to 8.5x11 paper, fold in half once, then twice, then one last fold for good measure, open, don't forget to cut the center, then re-fold. Ice Cold is now ready for your viewing pleasure!

Instructions: Right Click Save As, print to 8.5x11 paper, fold in half once, then twice, then one last fold for good measure, open, don't forget to cut the center, then re-fold. Ice Cold is now ready for your viewing pleasure!
digital download,
ice cold zine,
issue #1,
issue #2
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Vivona Collab!
Tomorrow (11/13), Jason Vivona will be having a solo showing of his art work at Gallery 6.
This zine is available the opening night of the show. I did all the outside, while Jason did the large drawing that is shown once opened full page. Limited Edition of 69! Ha!
Here's a link to more info about the show: Gallery6
This zine is available the opening night of the show. I did all the outside, while Jason did the large drawing that is shown once opened full page. Limited Edition of 69! Ha!
Here's a link to more info about the show: Gallery6

edition 1,
edition j,
ice cold zine,
jason vivona
Sunday, November 1, 2009
*Insert cliche' sorry here*

Fill in the above with whatever would fit for "sorry the lack of updates, via the Ice Cold Blog." If you got your copy of Issue #3, you probably saw how I have a hate-love-hate relationship with technology. With this in mind don't expect to find too many updates.
In other news I finally finished up with Issue #4. I am super stoked on how this issue came out. Compared to the Issue #3 , it looks like someone else took-over! I've run into some slight delays with getting copies made though. Funds are tight at the moment, so #4 has been put on a temporary hold. Sorry!
In the meantime if you really need an internet fix, make sure you check out Holeshot. Nick always has the best updates, and has recently decided to focus more time towards his two fantastic projects: Holeshot and Amigos Publishing. As always Nuno provides great photos. Ben recently changed the PDX site, due to his recent move! And Adam always seems to be getting a Cult of some kind going.
Until next time. - Ryan/Spoon
issue #3,
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Adam Roye: Recent Events
Adam Roye, who runs Cult, has a nice profile over on ESPN right now.
Big props go out to Adam, this is much deserved. I've always looked up to Adam with his creative ideas in both Cult and Empire. When I stumbled across this post via ITG, I was beyond stoked. Look for an upcoming stuff from Adam in Ice Cold. If not... you probably wouldn't understand anyways.
adam roye,
cult zine,
empire bmx,
In The Gnar
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's in the juuuuice!

I saw this photo over on olivejuuuuice and I had to re-post it.
Olive Juuuuice, is the photo-blog of Nuno Oliveira. He also has a daily blog which he updates here. Also for those that didn't know, Nuno is a regular over on Defgrip.
Speaking of the grip, in cased you missed it on July 6th ICE COLD was featured as the "Photo of the day." Thank again Nuno, you the man!
ice cold zine,
photo of the day
Friday, July 3, 2009
P(r)opsicles to the homies!
Nick Ferreira

Nick is so busy, I have no idea how he does it. I'm often blown away about the great content I'll find on his blogs. Nothing regarding the X-Gaymes or who just got sponsored, but the real reason we all choose to ride bikes (of any sort)... FUN!
Holeshot! Zine
In The Gnar
Amigos Publishing
Strip Mall City
Adam Roye

Adam has done so many rad projects. Remember Aaron Ross' signature graphics for the 'Stairmaster' (now the Maneater). What about the graphics for not one, but all of the Chase Hawk Signature frames. Yep, Adam stays busy and runs an awesome zine called CULT. As he's said before, "If you don't buy one, its cool... you wouldn't understand anyways."
Adumb Roye
Empire BMX
Fit Bike Co.
Liquor Bikes
Terrible One
Prashant Gopal

Prashant runs another zine, by the name of Yo, Sick! Which is also free by the way, I know with the tough times its hard to spend those pennies. He also contributes to Flickr with some awesome riding shots, and runs an awesome local Ottawa BMX site that's been going for the past 7-8 years by the name of Capital BMX. I've never had a chance to meet Prashant, but through snail-mail and the inter-nerd I have a feeling he's a kickass dude!
Capital BMX
Yo Sick!
These dudes all run awesome zines, and helped push me to complete the first issue of Ice Cold. I've never had a pen-pal in the past and always wanted something more in the mail then bills and advertisements, and thanks to these three I have some great reading material along with some great pals!

Nick is so busy, I have no idea how he does it. I'm often blown away about the great content I'll find on his blogs. Nothing regarding the X-Gaymes or who just got sponsored, but the real reason we all choose to ride bikes (of any sort)... FUN!
Holeshot! Zine
In The Gnar
Amigos Publishing
Strip Mall City
Adam Roye

Adam has done so many rad projects. Remember Aaron Ross' signature graphics for the 'Stairmaster' (now the Maneater). What about the graphics for not one, but all of the Chase Hawk Signature frames. Yep, Adam stays busy and runs an awesome zine called CULT. As he's said before, "If you don't buy one, its cool... you wouldn't understand anyways."
Adumb Roye
Empire BMX
Fit Bike Co.
Liquor Bikes
Terrible One
Prashant Gopal

Prashant runs another zine, by the name of Yo, Sick! Which is also free by the way, I know with the tough times its hard to spend those pennies. He also contributes to Flickr with some awesome riding shots, and runs an awesome local Ottawa BMX site that's been going for the past 7-8 years by the name of Capital BMX. I've never had a chance to meet Prashant, but through snail-mail and the inter-nerd I have a feeling he's a kickass dude!
Capital BMX
Yo Sick!
These dudes all run awesome zines, and helped push me to complete the first issue of Ice Cold. I've never had a pen-pal in the past and always wanted something more in the mail then bills and advertisements, and thanks to these three I have some great reading material along with some great pals!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Frog goes down!

I just read over on the Deluxe site, that their team rider Frog took a pretty nasty fall. A fractured shoulder, bruised face, and some missing teeth... damn! For some awesome trails photos from over the pond visit: Im A Easy Rider
Also Nick over at, In the Gnar, just posted a good critique of military hats. It reminded me of my old Odyssey hat I had packed away. Diggin' this guy out reminded me of the awesome parts run Odyssey had made. And who can forget Adam Banton's signature backpack (Now on sale by the way! 29.99!)
And last but not least, I have some paintings over here for sale... on the cheap! Help me get a BMX again!
Im A Easy Rider,
In The Gnar,
Monday, June 29, 2009
Rednecks, American Made, and DIY!
This past Sunday I had the chance to attend the Petaluma Fair, down in none other then Petaluma, California. This town that is often better known for it's skatepark(?) and local venues, played place to the Destruction Derby and County Fair this fine weekend. Remember the fair... Well here I'll help provide some friendly reminders!

We arrived a little late, per a pre-bbq with family. From there we proceeded to make our way through the crowds. The heat made it pretty hard to deal, but a Ice Cold brew solved that problem. "It wouldn't be the fair without a fresh cold one..." one on-looker mentioned as he walked away with his frosty refreshment.

Located behind the flying headless child, you'll see a Sea Lion. What does a Sea Lion have to do with the fair... money(?). I can only guess this had a few viewers during the day, the heat alone had the Sea Lion asking for a ticket back home! I think I may have seen the likes of Dave Mirra trying out the bouncy-thing, the dude was wearing a Monster hat so it had to be Mirra right? X-Gaymes 2009!

And then destruction? Well the course was a little short, I think they had around 100ft or so to gain speed and around 20 ft. across. The reactions from the crowd were by far the best part. At one point the yellow and car seen above was dodging being hit by another competitor, this did not go over well with the crowd. Boo's, hisses, taunts, and other vulgarities were thrown about. I think next time instead of taking pictures of the cars I'll take reaction shots of the crowd. That and I always thought having a collection of carnie portraits would be rad.
Once again, Issue #2 is hot off the presses and now available! Now more car-nage...

Check out the dude throwing his hands in the air... way stoked!

Do these photos even change?

Also I guess my homie, and a major Ice Cold supporter, Ian from Box Dog Bikes had an eventful weekend due to the festivities down in good ol' San Francisco. Passed out partiers from a weekend gone wild. Awesome wheelie timing!
We arrived a little late, per a pre-bbq with family. From there we proceeded to make our way through the crowds. The heat made it pretty hard to deal, but a Ice Cold brew solved that problem. "It wouldn't be the fair without a fresh cold one..." one on-looker mentioned as he walked away with his frosty refreshment.
Located behind the flying headless child, you'll see a Sea Lion. What does a Sea Lion have to do with the fair... money(?). I can only guess this had a few viewers during the day, the heat alone had the Sea Lion asking for a ticket back home! I think I may have seen the likes of Dave Mirra trying out the bouncy-thing, the dude was wearing a Monster hat so it had to be Mirra right? X-Gaymes 2009!
And then destruction? Well the course was a little short, I think they had around 100ft or so to gain speed and around 20 ft. across. The reactions from the crowd were by far the best part. At one point the yellow and car seen above was dodging being hit by another competitor, this did not go over well with the crowd. Boo's, hisses, taunts, and other vulgarities were thrown about. I think next time instead of taking pictures of the cars I'll take reaction shots of the crowd. That and I always thought having a collection of carnie portraits would be rad.
Once again, Issue #2 is hot off the presses and now available! Now more car-nage...
Check out the dude throwing his hands in the air... way stoked!
Do these photos even change?

Also I guess my homie, and a major Ice Cold supporter, Ian from Box Dog Bikes had an eventful weekend due to the festivities down in good ol' San Francisco. Passed out partiers from a weekend gone wild. Awesome wheelie timing!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Issue #2 available now!?
Thats right folks after a little downtime, thanks to wonderful machines called computers, Ice Cold Issue #2 is now ready for your viewing enjoyment. I've already sent out a few issue's to my "subscribers". Dudes you know who you are! Also regardig subscriptions, by issue #3 I'll have a form for all the fillout. I'm not sure how much it'll be, but it's gonna be on the cheap. As long as you got five on it, we'll be chill.
As always, trades are highly encouraged. I'm currently BMX-less and regretting the trade I made... a little. If you have any extra parts laying around I'd be more then happy to make a trade. Coming soon as well I'll be holding an auction of art I've produced. The canvas' are starting to pile up so its time to clear house. These will also be on the cheap. I find it better to have the work out there, then try to say I've sold a $100 painting. $100 isn't worth that much anymore anyways.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Living Legend - Too $hort
How many rappers do you know started at the young age of 14? With averages of 600,000 plus record sales for each of there 14 releases. That's almost 1 million records sold. This being said, I don't think the above statement of "Living Legend" is an overstatement... more like and understatement.
I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't one of the kids who grew up listening to Short. Hell if anyone reading this knows me, they'll know the sight of sun will burn my poor Irish complexion in a matter of minutes. With all this being said, your probably wondering why the Legend is appearing here. Respect and props that's why. That and its often the background music for the composing of ICE COLD!
Hope everyone enjoys. Life is... Too Short!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Beginning Filmmaking:: Jay Roseblatt

Follow the link here. Checked out this film today on HBO. It documents a 4 year-old as she makes her first film with the help of her Dad. The Dad does at times seem to try to get his young daughter a little too involved, which I think they both realize at the end. I would highly recommend this film.
Update Regarding ICE COLD, small delay but we'll be back in no time. As soon as Issue #2 hits the press Issue #1 will no longer exist. But will soon be available online, right here!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Computer is still down...

Hopefully it'll be getting fixed tonight. Took a spin up to Annanadale today.
More updates soon. Issue #2 will be in the mail next week!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Mike Ardelean Bike Check!

Always a good source of inspiration, Mike Ardelean has a bike check over at Odyssey!
Stolen, via the Grip.
Mike Ardelean, Jackson Ratima, Ian Schwartz from Mosh on Vimeo.
How come I never saw this last video anywhere!?
mike ardelean,
Friday, May 1, 2009
Computers suck!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Behind the scene's
Some behind the scene's shots of Ice Cold Issue #1

Sent/passed out around 20 copies this week to various people. I'll need to make another run to the copy machine, but if you'd like a copy shoot an email my way and I'll send you the paypal address. Only $2!!!
If you prefer snail mail... we're working on it!
Sent/passed out around 20 copies this week to various people. I'll need to make another run to the copy machine, but if you'd like a copy shoot an email my way and I'll send you the paypal address. Only $2!!!
If you prefer snail mail... we're working on it!
free stickers,
ice cold zine,
issue #1
Saturday, April 25, 2009
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